Discover OceanClimate
About 650 high school students met on June 8th 2017 at the University of Hamburg to learn more about important topics in marine and climate research and to discuss the future of the ocean in a changing climate with scientific experts. The conference took place within the framework of the Science Year 16*17 Seas and Oceans under the patronage of Federal Minister Johanna Wanka. What was special: it was organized by high school students for high school students, supported by "Initiative Naturwissenschaft und Technik" (NAT), as well as by researchers from several universities and institutes in and around Hamburg.
Program & contributions
Der Ozean im Klimawandel
by Prof. Dr. Mojib Latif, Leader of the Research Division Ocean Circulation and Climate Dynamics, GEOMAR Kiel
The congress programm is structured in THREE SESSIONS:
Session 1
Climate-machine Ocean - how do the oceans affect our climate?
Each session will be represented by five to six experts in their fields. Contributions will include both lectures and workshops. Details can be found here.
Live from the South Pacific
Professor Hermann W. Bange will be interviewed live onboard the research vessel "Meteor"
Federal Minister of Education and Research
Prof. Dr. Johanna Wanka:
"Seas and oceans play a crucial role as climate machines and I am happy to see that young people are particularly interested in this topic."